Monday, June 14, 2010 ~ 2-Strand Fold Basket Crochet Pattern

Look what I have found and I can't wait to try it!  I could use several of these baskets in my kitchen and around my desk or computer area.  I'm such a pile maker and can't seen to throw anything away.  At least this way, things would be contained but then I'd have more baskets to clean out!  LOL

I don't really care, I have the yarn, and need more projects, right?  And even if I didn't have the yarn, it gives me an excuse to buy more!!

So give it a try and sign up for their newsletter.  It's a great site with lots of free patterns.

Here's the link to the 2-Strand Fold Basket pattern.  Enjoy the pattern and enjoy the site.

I have one of my little purses done and will be taking a photo so you can see.  I didn't attach it to a key ring because it could make a cute little pincushion if I would stuff it.  I am working on #2 mini purse and could get that done later today or tonight.

Hope you're enjoying my blog, my free patterns I create and find for you.  Let me know if you're looking for any pattern in particular.  I love searching the web and finding new patterns.



Lilacanglia said...

thanks for the link for the basket pattern,
look forward to seeing your little purse,

Unknown said...

thank you so much for visiting my blog. Gonna go take a picture of the mini purse.
